Departure Day

Sunday morning brought about the end of our WUOC week. It had been a pretty tiring week for everyone, especially those of us coming straight from JWOC. Major shoutout to Bridge for running every race (who needs rest days?). Luckily, we have 2 years to prepare ourselves for competing at WUOC again and listening to the FISU song another gazillion times.

Before leaving, Bridge, Thomas, and I headed to a too early breakfast, (although not as early of a wakeup as Amanda’s, whose bus had left at 5am). Michael had already left the previous evening, and everyone else trickled out later in the day. The breakfast had some more interesting options than the standard fare, but we were in too much of a rush to catch our bus to fully appreciate it.

Heart shaped bread! from eariler in the week

Most everyone was heading home, while Amanda was going to O-Ringen for another week of competition and I to Latvia to train for WOC. I took a much needed nap at the airport in these neat sleep pod things, but woke up very disoriented and freaking out about missing my flight. Boarding didn’t even start for another 30 minutes… I finally got to the house in Sigulda 12 hours after leaving Kuortane, and shortly fell asleep.

neat sleep pod things

Keep checking the blog! Tyra and I will be posting some about our exciting adventures preparing for WOC.


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